If you know me you know that it’s about 4 am and I’ve been up all night working on this website. Could I have asked/paid for help? Sure. Do I know what I’m doing building this website from scratch? LOL…
When I say from scratch, I had to figure out how to convert a JPG to a PNG image. I had to figure out how to connect the HB domain name. I had to create a palette of colors to design the website. social media Reels and Canva edits. Babyyy, #Ijustwannabake *Music Soulchild voice*.
Like baking, however, you cannot rush greatness. One missing ingredient can cause an insurmountable amount of issues. Rule # 3 is Rule # 3 for a reason. This website has cost more sleep than money to build. Also like baking, you can toss it all out and start over. Sounds anxiety-inducing cause sometimes it is, but there’s great strength in knowing when to pause, when to stop, and when to start from scratch. None of what I’m saying is new or revolutionary, but it’s helped me navigate this space of “retirement” over the past few years.
“So where I am now is where I'm supposed to be. I couldn't plan it. And here's the cool thing. Yes, we can plan it, our limited human brains can plan it. But it's always greater and more magical when you're surprised by these things...”~Andre 3000
Being a baker and running a bakery business are completely different things. One I enjoy deeply, and the other pushes me past myself. I promise that I’ll never stop baking, but to what level Honeecakes Bakery is yet to be known. As long as I am enjoying my gift, I will continue to share it with the world. Rebuilding my brand network and seeing what happens is exciting again. I have chefs I admire and fellow baker baes who always show love.
This, my friends, is having your cake and eating it too.